This “ISGAME – International School of Game Privacy Policy” (“Policy”) covers all the functionality of the website and the Active Brain app, both from ISGAME – INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF GAME which goes under the name of sole entrepreneur ELIZA MASSAKO AKIYAMA OTA, under the registered number (CNPJ) 19.431.321/0001-79 (“ISGAME”). 

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our practices for processing your Personal Data (defined below). 

ISGAME values your privacy and is committed to protecting it in the most transparent and secure way possible. To this end, this Policy is designed to explain how we treat your personal data, how we protect it, and what your rights are when it comes to that data that may be collected by our website or through Active Brain. 

Personal data is any information related to You that allows us to identify you Personal data is any information related to You that allows us to identify you, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (“Personal Data” and “GDPL“, respectively). When we talk about the processing of Personal Data, we are referring to the GDPL hypotheses of Section 5, X, such as the collection, use, processing and storage of Personal Data. 

We require various Personal Data from You, as described in item 2 below, the processing of which is essential for the use of all features of our website and so that we can provide our services in the best possible way to You. 

The processing of your Personal Data provided for in this Policy applies to the national territory, and complies with the GDPL in all its terms. 

If any questions persist about how we treat your Personal Data, You may, whenever you deem necessary, access our customer service channel as described in item 11 of this Policy.


2.1 How we collect your personal data: 

Your Personal Data is collected by ISGAME when You: 

Browse our website: 

Sign up to receive information about courses; 

Register in any course, lecture or live; 

Subscribe to our services and accept our Terms; 

Contact us through our customer service channels (e-mail, WhatsApp, website); Use the Active Brain app. 

2.2 Collected Data by using our website: 

User’s access browser; 

Internet protocol (IP) address; 

Date and time; 


Through the mobile version, we receive standard data from the access device, such as: model, device type, city, country, language, and operating system. 

2.3 Collected Data on Active Brain: when using our application, the following Data will be shared: 

Personal data that You register, such as name, date of birth and photos of the device that are used in the app; 

Username when logging in with a social network; and

Data regarding interaction with other users: friends list and interactions with friends 

2.4 Collected Data in Registrations and Subscriptions: by showing interest in one of our courses or subscribing to one of our services, You will share with us: 





Social Security Number (CPF); and 

Date of Birth. 

2.5 Collected Data for Partnerships 

When You sign up showing interest in being our partner, we collect the following Personal Data: 





Social Security Number (CPF); and 

Date of Birth; 


2.6 Communication Data. It includes any communication that may have taken place between ISGAME and You by email, chat, social networking and/or WhatsApp.


3.1 ISGAME will process the Personal Data obtained, pursuant to item 2 above, for the following purposes: 

Control of our business: the collection of Personal Data, especially related to visits, as item 2.2 above, is essential for us to understand the scope of our website, as well as improve the provision of our services to You; 

Customer Services: we use your Personal Data to respond to requests, inquiries and complaints that You address to us; 

Personalization of our website: your preferences are used to provide more relevant content, according to your interests; 

Provision of services: your Personal Data will be used so that we can provide the services, such as registering for one of our courses; 

Database: we use the Personal Data you register on our website to create a database in order to facilitate future interaction; 

Security: collecting Personal Data helps us keep our website safe from any attacks, as well as prevent fraud; 

Providing the full Active Brain experience: Personal Data registered in Active Brain allows the app to provide You with all its functionalities. This way, we describe how each type of data is used in our app: 

Age group You register is used to later analyze your player profile. So, we can improve the development of games offered to You. 

Username when logging in with a social network is used to link your account with your game data and interaction with your friends list. You can choose not to log in with any social network and play only with the data saved locally, consequently You will not have access to the features of interaction with friends; 

Data regarding interaction with other users is used to make up your friends list and enable interactions through the app. You can choose not to create your profile, and consequently not use any of the interaction features with friends.


ISGAME does not share your Personal Data with third parties, except with authorities for compliance with legal or regulatory obligations and in cases where it is essential for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings. 

However, you can share some of your data, through Active Brain, if you activate features on the screen through the share icon, and select the app and/or contact who you want to share with. 

Except as set forth in this Policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.


The Personal Data we process for any purpose will not be retained for longer than necessary to serve the respective purpose. Therefore, we will retain such information: 

As long as the hypothesis and purpose of the processing of Personal Data is kept in mind, as item 3 above; 

As long as the hypothesis and purpose of the processing of Personal Data is in effect, as item 3 above; 

If we believe that personal data may be relevant to any ongoing legal process or one that may arise; 

To establish, exercise or defend our legal rights, including providing information to service providers for fraud prevention purposes; 

For future communication in cases where You have consented to this. 

You may, at any time, request the updating or deletion of your Personal Data, the processing of which has been the subject of your consent, through the Data Officer, as defined in item 11 below.


We keep your Personal Data in operational environments that use security measures in compliance with the best quality standards adopted in the market. 

Some of the measures taken by ISGAME to protect your Personal Data are: Protection of environments through passwords; 

Only certain people will be able to access your information related to our website and app, within the hypotheses brought in item 3 above; 

All employees who contact you through your Personal Data undertake to comply with this Policy and the GDPL

However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not fully secured and, although ISGAME uses security measures and monitors any vulnerabilities, You have a key role in protecting your Personal Data. When signing up for Active Brain, please make sure you choose a difficult password so that malicious people can’t guess it.


ISGAME may change this Privacy Policy at any time. 

We value transparency, so relevant changes will be disclosed on the website or through contact center channels. Any changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after its publication on the site. 

By continuing to use our products and services, You will be in accordance with the new conditions. However, at any time, you can request clarification through our Data Officer, as per item 11 below.


You have a number of rights in the processing of Personal Data, as listed in Section 18 of the GPDL, which may be exercised at any time. You can find all of them listed below: 

Confirmation of the existence of Personal Data processing by ISGAME;

Access to Personal Data processed by ISGAME; 

Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated Personal Data; 

Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data in non-compliance with the provisions of the GPDL and this Policy; 

Portability of Personal Data to another service provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, in compliance with trade and industrial secrets; 

Deletion of Personal Data processed with your consent, except in the hypotheses of Section 16 of the GPDL; 

Information from the authorities that received data shared by ISGAME; 

information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences involved; 

Withdrawal of consent.


Whenever your information changes, please let us know if the Personal Data we keep about You needs to be corrected or updated. 

Such updates and corrections must be made upon communication with the Data Officer, as described in item 11 below.


Our website uses cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels and tags, to certify that our website and the services provided by us are in accordance with the best standard expected by You. 

The cookies collected by ISGAME only provide us with statistics and will not be used for purposes other than those expressly described in this Policy. 

Cookie is a small file added to your device or computer by the websites you visit.

Cookies allow us to personally identify You through data crossing. This occurs, for example, when a cookie identifies access by the same computer previously used by You. We will therefore remember your preferences and information related to your previous visit to our website. 

ISGAME uses cookies developed by third parties, such as Hubspot and Google Analytics. 

You can delete them at any time, as well as block the use of cookies by changing the settings on your browser.


If any doubt persists or there is any request to be made about the processing of your Personal Data, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law’s Section 41 ISGAME hereby indicates as responsible for the processing of Personal Data: 

Contact our Data Protection Officer: 

Name: Fabio Ota 

Address: 38 Capitão Cavalcanti St., Vila Mariana, São Paulo/SP 


WhatsApp: +55 (11) 94489-2019