articles and media appearances.,
Digital games as a tool to improve mental health in the elderly
By Bete Marin, Gerontology and Marketing specialist. According to the World Health Organization’s (UN) World Population Outlook, by 2050, one in six people in the
Videogame as a way to open up to the world
By Marcelo Rigon, Psychoanalyst, Bachelors of Physics and Game Designer for over 15 years. The elderly population aged 60 years and above in Brazil was
Digital Games and Cognitive Stimulation
By Fabiana Satiro, Educator, Gerontology specialist, Master in Educational Psychology and Partner with 50Mais Ativo. One of the biggest challenges in the 21st century is
ISGAME on Longevinews
This article by Longevinews on startups focuses on how we can positively impact the lives of 60 year old people, and ISGAME was mentioned in
Active Brain app on NDMAIS
Active Brain app was on the news in this article by Santa Catarina’s web portal NDMais. Check it out! “We work to promote health through
ISGAME on Fapesp Magazine
The last few years have brought many changes and new dynamics. Do you want to know how ISGAME has adapted to them? During the pandemic,
Science Magazine – Development of Games Prevents Cognitive Decline In Elderly People
Information technology can be a powerful tool for preserving the cognitive functions of people over 60 years of age.
FAPESP – Game Programming for Reasoning Development and Prevention of Cognitive Decline in the Elderl
Check out the project approved by PIPE/FAPESP that validated the methodology used on Active Brain classes, ISGAME’s digital training. “After the course, it was noted