ISGAME on Longevinews
This article by Longevinews on startups focuses on how we can positively impact the lives of 60 year old people, and ISGAME was mentioned in it. Check it out!
This article by Longevinews on startups focuses on how we can positively impact the lives of 60 year old people, and ISGAME was mentioned in it. Check it out!
Active Brain app was on the news in this article by Santa Catarina’s web portal NDMais. Check it out! “We work to promote health through technology, video games, and cognitive exercises. All the exercises and habits we create for our mind allow the player to improve his skills by achieving longevity with a better life …
The last few years have brought many changes and new dynamics. Do you want to know how ISGAME has adapted to them? During the pandemic, programmer Fabio Ota from ISGAME, made some adaptations to the game development classes and to the Active Brain platform created to stimulate cognition in the elderly. Read the full article
Playing and developing games can benefit health by improving memory, concentration and socialization. ISGAME appeared in Band TV showing some of our Active Brain digital training classes.
Conheça a história de como a ISGAME idealizou e desenvolveu o aplicativo Cérebro Ativo na matéria da EXAME. Tudo começou em 2014, quando Fábio Ota, CEO e fundador da ISGAME, começou a pesquisar sobre como ensinar crianças a desenvolver senso de planejamento e raciocínio lógico usando videogames. No meio do caminho, encontrou várias pesquisas que abordavam o …
A ISGAME é acelerada pela Neo Química. Confira a matéria e saiba mais! Em 2018, a ISGAME criou o aplicativo Cérebro Ativo, com apoio do programa PIPE fase 2, da Fapesp, com o objetivo de expansão do negócio. Para conseguir atender os maduros de todas as classes sociais e escalonar o projeto, a startup precisou …
O Cérebro Ativo recebe o Selo Direitos Humanos e Diversidade O projeto Cérebro Ativo obteve o Selo Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Diversidade pelos trabalhos para a inclusão pessoas com mais de 60 anos. por ISGAME O projeto Cérebro Ativo se trata de duas ações desenvolvidas pela startup ISGAME com o objetivo de melhorar a …
O Cérebro Ativo recebe o Selo Direitos Humanos e Diversidade Read More »
Check out the project approved by PIPE/FAPESP that validated the methodology used on Active Brain classes, ISGAME’s digital training. “After the course, it was noted the significantly evolution of game developers group than what we could observe in the other ones – control and players groups,” Ota says, while listing aspects related to mental health, …